

The Red Krayola

Organisation LyricsThe organization of activity into social and critical
Action will be no more than degenerate if it remains
In the realm of participatory conflict. Concrete
Tasks of transition must separate the aimless
Wanderings of fetishism. In this connection
Allegedly progressive smart people have no advan-
Tages over the people they feel sorry for. They have
No class basis

The willing servants of the ruling class have split
Societies’ forms away from reality. This is a
Cultural index of its measures to depoliticise and
Disarm those who may be in a position to struggle
Against it. High culture as a dimension of ideology
Has been absorbed into the absurd ideology of
High culture
The struggle for realism, a social practice is vitiated
By private commitment. The only first step is the
Performance of concrete organizational tasks
Organization on class lines against the institutional

Such activity will of course be condemned as
Insufficient work, etc. by the ruling class. They
Are in a position to legislate in this connection
Only within the confines of ruling class ideology

Class action and its historical meaning with few
Exceptions remains opaque to them and their
Institutions. Organizational, socialising tasks will be
Met by an increased intensity of repression — a
Proliferation of arbitrary measures in the guise of
Substantive criticism. Transitional tasks are not
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Artista: The Red Krayola

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