Lord, You have heard my cry
And You know my need
Come deliver me
Lord, I don't know Your will
But Your faithful still
Help me to believe
So I will lift Your name
Let go and simply praise
Knowing joy is coming with the morning
My steady hope is found
Upon no other ground
Than the One who laid His life down for me
Oh Jesus my Redeemer set me free
Lord, I am letting go
Of my need to know
And to understand
I will submit my ways
Knowing You make straight
Every path I take
So I will lift Your name
Let go and simply praise
Knowing joy is coming with the morning
My steady hope is found
Upon no other ground
Than the One who laid His life down for me
Oh Jesus my Redeemer set me free
So I let go
Every breath I breathe
I humbly give to You
So I let go
Oh the joy I find
In trusting You alone
So I let go
Be still my anxious heart
Be still and know
So I let go
In Your presence God
I'm giving up control